Corn Tortilla Chips Low Carb Diet

Corn Tortilla Chips Low Carb Diet

We are so happy to introduce to you a recipe for homemade, crispy, crunchy keto tortilla chips and get ready to dip into your favorite salsa!  Finally you can have chips and salsa and not feel guilty!

Keto Tortilla Chips on plate low carb

I love eating homemade salsa and tortilla chips and when I became diabetic, I learned that corn chips and all chips, in general, had way too many carbs in them for me to actually enjoy anymore. Maybe an occasional chip or two but that's about it.

So the more I have learned to come up with alternatives to my previous loved foods, the happier I have become to try more things. These Low Carb Tortilla chips are one of them. It took us a few times to get it right but now I can share with you our helpful hints so you can make them good from your first time.

What Ingredients are in Low Carb Tortilla Chips

Keto Tortilla Chips ingredients

Almond Flour – This seems to have become a staple for me to cook with in the past couple of years and a great choice for keto chips. I think you can use most any brand. One that we find that we have been using a lot is the Kirkland brand from Costco. It comes in a good size bag and is not very expensive compared with a lot of other brands.

Eggs – In this recipe, you only use one egg per batch of Low Carb Tortilla Chips, which gives you about 40 chips. I like to use Jumbo eggs for everything that I cook that needs eggs, and so that's why I use about 2 cups of almond flour. If you only have large eggs in your house, you can probably use a little less almond flour. I think just a little under the 2 cups should do it.

Mozzarella cheese – This is a key ingredient for making low carb chips and it's what keeps everything together. You can either get a block of cheese and shred it yourself or you can buy it in a bag already shredded. I like to get it already shredded and keep it on hand for times like this when I cook, which saves a little time.

I like to use the whole milk mozzarella but you can use low fat or low moisture but you may have to adjust the amount and add a little more if you find your mixture too dry or too wet. In my opinion, the whole milk type seems to work the best for keto tortilla chips.

How to Make Homemade Low Carb Tortilla Chips

Mix all ingredients together, the almond flour, jumbo egg, mozzarella cheese, and spices……mix by hand.

Divide dough into 5 equal portions and roll into balls. Place one at a time on a piece of parchment paper, then put another piece on top.

Keto Tortilla Chips ball
Low carb Tortilla Chips under wax paper

Then take a rolling pin and roll out very thin.

rolling out Keto Tortilla Chips Recipe

The thinner you get it the thinner your chips will be.

making Keto Tortilla Chips Recipe
making low carb Tortilla Chips Recipe

Place a 6' pan lid in the middle of each rolled out piece of dough. Use it as a cookie-cutter. Cut around the lid in a circle so that each piece becomes 6' inch size.

low carb Tortilla Chips round

Put back any excess into your bowl and roll it out again until you use up all your dough.

Once you make your circles, take a knife and cut them into even triangle-shaped pieces, 8 pcs.

Keto Tortilla Chips low carb cut in pieces

Transfer each portion with its own piece of paper onto a cookie sheet. Each cookie sheet will hold 2 or 3 portions.

Keto Tortilla Chips ready for oven

Sprinkle a little coarse salt on top to give it a slightly salty taste, like other chips.

Keep them on the parchment paper on the cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 11-12 min or until golden brown and crispy. At the 10 min mark start to watch it because of the last min or two go fast.

Keto Tortilla Chips Recipe baked

The key is to make your low carb chips crisp, but not too crisp that they break when you dip them into your salsa.

Let cool for a few minutes before taking them off the paper.

Variations of Keto Tortilla Chips:

In this recipe, you could substitute your Almond Flour with Coconut Flour or you could combine the 2 kinds of flour, half and half. Either combination works fine.

Spices are great for so many foods, they add so much variety of flavors so put whatever spices that you like in them too. Try different ones one at a time like a bagel or a lot of spices together like an everything bagel. That way you can make them the way you like them.

Is Almond Flour or Coconut Flour Better for Low Carb Chips?

In this recipe for Homemade Low Carb Tortilla Chips, I used Almond flour as my flour of choice. But I think a combo of almond flour and coconut flour is also a good choice too. I like to combine the 2 flours in some of my other recipes because they both bring something a little different to the recipes but at the same time, they are very similar and compatible.

Cost-wise, Coconut flour is cheaper so by mixing the two together it will stretch your Almond flour and save a little money.

How do I Make my Tortilla Chips Crispy?

homemade Tortilla Chips Recipe Keto

It's easy to make corn tortilla chips crispy because corn is naturally crispy. That's why we gravitate to corn chips. They are tasty and crunchy and yummy. So now we have a Homemade low carb Tortilla Chip that tastes good and so you may wonder: How can I make these chips crispy?

If you want your Tortilla Chips crispy, make sure when baking they turn golden brown. There is a fine line between undercooking and overcooking. Everyone loves crunchy chips but just make sure not to over bake them or they will fall apart when you try to pick up salsa on them.

Also if you want to make keto tortilla chips crispy, it's important to roll out the dough as thin as you can get it. If it's too thick when you roll it out, it will still be ok that way and it will still taste good, it's just that it won't be as crispy as a normal chip. It will come out more like a cracker texture.

If that happens you can serve your keto chips as keto crackers instead with some cheese slices and salami and pretend you are in Italy!

How to know when Tortilla Chips are Done Baking?

I think a good way to tell if your Homemade Tortilla Chips are done baking is when they look golden brown, that's a good sign that they are done. If you wait too long they will get overdone and become too crispy and then will fall apart when you go to dip them into your salsa. If they are not cooked enough they will not be the right consistency for dipping either. There's nothing worse than a soggy chip.

Tips for Making Keto Chips:

making homemade Tortilla Chips Recipe

Making chips isn't hard but I wanted to share a few points with you to make your Homemade Keto Chips taste the best they possibly can!

  • Try to roll out the dough evenly because otherwise, some chips will burn while others won't be crispy. So pick a desired thickness and keep them uniform. The thinner, the crispier.  If you make low carb chips too thick they will come out more like a cracker than a chip.
  • Using parchment paper really helps keep your Keto Chips from sticking and also helps to make them crispy too.
  • If you have a pizza stone use that with parchment paper on top. If not just use a regular cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  • If you still have chips left over for a few days and they have lost some of their crisp, just put them in the oven at 200-225 degrees for a few minutes and they will crisp back up.
  • Adding a little coriander (which is ground cilantro) to  your Low Carb Chips is another way to give flavor to your chips

Are Chips Keto Friendly?

Chips, in general, are not Keto friendly. They have a lot of carbs for a small number of chips. No matter what kind of chips, normal ones are all the same, they are high in carbs.

So in contrast to other chips, These Keto Tortilla Chips are definitely low carb and Keto friendly and only have 1.4 net carbs per serving.

What Chips Can I Eat on Keto Diet?

Keto Tortilla Chips low carb

On the Keto diet, you can make any kind of chips that you want to make out of almond flour or coconut flour as long as the carb content is kept very low, like these Low Carb Keto Chips.

Being on a low carb diet, It's so nice to be able to have a crunchy treat to dip into one of the 3 salsa recipes and 1 guacamole recipe that our family makes on a regular basis, which is all very healthy, satisfying, delicious because of all the veggies that make them up.

So now that we figured out how to make these Low Carb Tortilla Chips to be able to have together with the salsa, it has opened up another great snack or lunch option for us. I hope that you enjoy them too.

It's always a wonderful thing when you can add more veggies to your Keto or Low carb diet and this is a fun way to do it. It's a great snack or lunch idea and if you have guests over it's perfect for them too.

How Many Carbs are in Tortilla Chips?

You may be wondering how many carbs are in tortilla chips and then specifically these keto chips. These chips are only 3 net carbs for 11 chips whereas regular Tostitos have 19 carbs for 7 chips and Tostitos Scoops have 19 carbs for 13 chips. That's quite a big difference in carbs and when you are counting carbs you can't afford to eat that many without it affecting you.

That's why I love these low carb tortilla chips because you can eat a lot of them and not have to feel guilty for it!

What Kind of Cheese is Best for Low Carb Tortilla Chips?

low carb chips Recipe

When I make low carb chips I like to use whole milk mozzarella cheese and feel they come out the best that way. You may wonder if you can use low fat or low moisture as a substitute. While technically you can, in my experience the other varieties may make your mixture too wet and there isn't enough fat to make the dough workable. Plus if it's too wet homemade tortilla chips may not crisp up enough.

For another variation, you can try shredded cheddar cheese instead of the mozzarella which makes them equally as yummy.

Are these Keto Tortilla Chips good for a Gluten-Free Diet?

Yes, once again using my friend who is severely allergic to gluten, there are no ingredients in these Low Carb Tortilla Chips that she can't eat. There is just Almond Flour, eggs, cheese and spices.

So a great treat for a person who has to eat gluten-free.

What to Serve with Homemade Keto Tortilla Chips:

homemade Tortilla Chips Recipe low carb

My favorite thing to eat with tortilla chips is salsa. You can, of course, buy a salsa already prepared in the store, but of course, if you make your own salsa from scratch it goes so much better with your tortilla chips. When you can, there is nothing better than homemade salsa.

We have a few recipes on our site that are pretty easy to make and in only a few minutes you can be eating homemade salsa and homemade chips.

Try our recipes for the following …they all go so well with your new Homemade Keto Tortilla Chips and are low carb themselves:

  • Pico Di Gallo – chunks of tomato, onion, cilantro, bell peppers, and jalapeno peppers all hand-chopped and blended together.
  • Avocado Salsa – Similar to the one above and add avocado
  • Mango Salsa – Same thing with this salsa but you add your main ingredient, Mango
  • Restaurant-style Salsa – This one is done in the food processor or a Vitamix
  • Guacamole – This is made from ripe avocados, add some onion and tomato and garlic
  • Buffalo Chicken Dip – Super creamy and cheesy goodness!!

How to Store Keto/Low Carb Tortilla Chips:

Once your chips are completely cooled off you can store them in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid or in a plastic bag that's airtight. They will stay fresh for about a week, but I'm sure that you won't have to store them that long because the recipe only makes about 40 chips and they will get eaten pretty quickly.

If it's only about 2 or 3 days feel free to leave them on the counter. If you keep them for about a week in the refrigerator, they will need crisping again, so pop them in a warm oven, about 225 degrees for 10-15 min, just watch often so they don't burn.

Keto and low carb Tortilla Chips Recipe

Other Similar Recipes:

If you're in the mood for some other Keto Mexican recipes then try our:

  • Easy Keto Salsa
  • Best Mango Salsa
  • Keto Margaritas
  • Chicken Enchilada Casserole

They are Keto-friendly and low carb, and will have your friends raving!


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Finally, some delicious, and crunchy homemade low carb Tortilla chips that are easy to make and yummy to eat.

  • 2 cups Almond flour
  • 1 Jumbo egg
  • ½ cup shredded mozzarella , plus a little more
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ¼ tsp cumin
  • ¼-½ tsp paprika, regular type NOT smoked

  1. With your hands blend all ingredients together.
  2. Divide into about 5 portions.
  3. Place one at a time on a piece of parchment paper and place the second piece of parchment paper over it and then take a rolling pin and roll the dough into a thin piece. Do this with all portions on a separate piece of parchment paper.
  4. Transfer each portion with its own piece of parchment paper onto a cookie sheet. Each cookie sheet will be able to hold 2 or 3 portions of dough.
  5. Place a 6" pan lid in the middle of each rolled out piece of dough. Use it as a cookie-cutter. Cut around the lid in a circle so that each piece is 6" round. Put any excess that you cut from around the edges back in your bowl and add to the next piece and so on…until you use up all your dough mixture.
  6. Now once you have them all rolled out, cut into even triangle pieces, 8 pcs.
  7. Sprinkle a little coarse salt on top to give it a slightly salty taste, like other chips, unless you can't have any extra salt in your diet for some reason.
  8. Keep them on the paper on the cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 11-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. At the 10 minute mark start to watch because the last 1 or 2 minutes go fast.
  9. There's a fine line between not cooking them enough and cooking them too much. You want them to be crisp but not too crisp that they break when you try to dip them into your salsa.
  10. Let cool before trying to remove your low carb tortilla chips from the paper.


NET CARBS: 1.4 per serving

When you cut your Keto Tortilla Chips into triangles you will have leftover dough around the outside of your pan lid. Don't throw it out. Put it back in your bowl and form another ball with it.

Roll out your dough between 2 pieces of parchment paper. Keep your Homemade Keto Chips on the paper while you bake them. Use a pizza stone if you have one. If not a cookie sheet will do.

Roll out your dough evenly so that you don't get some chips too thin which will burn, and not too thick or it will be more like a cracker than a chip.

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10-12 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: Mexican

Keywords: Low Carb Tortilla Chips, Low Carb Tortilla Chips Recipe, Keto Tortilla Chips, Keto Tortilla Chips Recipe, Tortilla Chips, Tortilla Chips Recipe, Homemade Tortilla Chips, Homemade Tortilla Chips Recipe, Best Tortilla Chips

Corn Tortilla Chips Low Carb Diet


Corn Tortilla Chips Low Carb Diet Corn Tortilla Chips Low Carb Diet Reviewed by Micheal on Desember 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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